DENTALIGHT Vital Fiber Banana Yum Pumpkin 80g

English Choose Vital Wellbar Treats. Choose healthy care from inside out! Made with grain-free fruit & veggie blended ingredients for digestive health support.The super tip bristles and powdered cellulose containing dietary fiber that helps polish dog’s teeth. Let your dog’s brush their teeth in an easy way and enjoy the...
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Choose Vital Wellbar Treats. Choose healthy care from inside out! Made with grain-free fruit & veggie blended ingredients for digestive health support.
The super tip bristles and powdered cellulose containing dietary fiber that helps polish dog’s teeth. Let your dog’s brush their teeth in an easy way and enjoy the nourishing of the fruit & veggie.

This product is intended for complementary food for dogs only. Feed one treat per day. Not Suitable for dogs less than 6 months of age. Fresh drinking water should always available and monitor your dog to ensure the treat is adequately chewed.

• The product may contain stain carpets and light coloured fabrics.
• Not for human consumption.
• Store in the dry and cool place.
Potato starch 28%, Powdered Cellulose 24.5%, Pea flour, Glycerin, Banana 5%, Mountain Yam 5%, Pumpkin 5%, Rosemary extract, Alfalfa extract (Source of Chlorophyll), Peppermint, Prebiotics (Fructo-oligosaccharides) 0.5%


Pilih Vital Wellbar Treats. Pilih perawatan yang sehat dari dalam ke luar! Dibuat dengan bahan campuran buah & sayuran bebas biji-bijian untuk mendukung kesehatan pencernaan.
Bulu super tip dan selulosa bubuk yang mengandung serat makanan yang membantu memoles gigi anjing. Biarkan anjing Anda menyikat giginya dengan cara yang mudah dan menikmati nutrisi dari buah & sayuran.

Produk ini ditujukan untuk makanan pendamping anjing saja. Beri makan satu suguhan per hari. Tidak Cocok untuk anjing berusia kurang dari 6 bulan. Air minum segar harus selalu tersedia dan pantau anjing Anda untuk memastikan camilan dikunyah dengan cukup.

• Produk mungkin mengandung karpet noda dan kain berwarna terang.
• Tidak untuk dikonsumsi manusia.
• Simpan di tempat yang kering dan sejuk.
Tepung kentang 28%, Selulosa Serbuk 24,5%, Tepung Kacang, Gliserin, Pisang 5%, Yam Gunung 5%, Labu 5%, Ekstrak Rosemary, Ekstrak Alfalfa (Sumber Klorofil), Peppermint, Prebiotik (Fructo-oligosakarida) 0,5%

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