ZEEDOG Atlanta Leash

English Made of soft and resistant polyester, our dog leashes are super soft on the hands and come with our iconic rubber skull logo that protects the stitching. The super hook locks for an effortless and safe walking experience. Sizes Width Extra Small 0.4 in Small 0.6 in Large 1...
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Made of soft and resistant polyester, our dog leashes are super soft on the hands and come with our iconic rubber skull logo that protects the stitching. The super hook locks for an effortless and safe walking experience.


  • Extra Small 0.4 in
  • Small 0.6 in
  • Large 1 in


  • Extra Small 4 ft
  • Small 4 ft
  • Large 4 ft
  • Dog leash made of soft and durable teteron polyester.
  • Super Hook™ that's easy to open and close. The hook includes a screw lock for extra safety.
  • Soft on the hands.
  • Rubber logo protects stitches for longer durability.


Terbuat dari poliester lembut dan tahan, kalung anjing kami sangat lembut di tangan dan dilengkapi dengan logo tengkorak karet ikonik kami yang melindungi jahitan. Kait super mengunci untuk pengalaman berjalan yang mudah dan aman.


Ekstra Kecil 0,4 inci
Kecil 0,6 inci
Besar 1 inci

Ekstra Kecil 4 kaki
Kecil 4 kaki
Besar 4 kaki

Tali anjing terbuat dari poliester teteron yang lembut dan tahan lama.
Super Hook™ yang mudah dibuka dan ditutup. Kait termasuk kunci sekrup untuk keamanan ekstra.
Lembut di tangan.
Logo karet melindungi jahitan agar lebih tahan lama.

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