English The Living World Pedi-Perch is a self grooming, non-toxic, cement perch for birds that helps trim and maintain blunt, well-groomed nails. The multi-grip, wavy surface promotes foot circulation and helps prevent arthritis and atrophy. In addition, it also helps clean and condition the bird's beak. Install Pedi-Perch on the...
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The Living World Pedi-Perch is a self grooming, non-toxic, cement perch for birds that helps trim and maintain blunt, well-groomed nails. The multi-grip, wavy surface promotes foot circulation and helps prevent arthritis and atrophy. In addition, it also helps clean and condition the bird's beak.

Install Pedi-Perch on the cage door, provided that it is not the highest perch available. Always have a variety of perches in the cage to prevent foot problems, such as bumble foot. Monitor the health of your bird's feet regularly.

To clean, scrub Pedi-Perch under water with soap. Ensure that it is completely dry before putting it back in the cage.

XS : 2.5cm x 12cm
S : 3.2cm x 16cm
M : 3.8cm x 20.5cm
L : 5cm x 34cm


The Living World Pedi-Perch adalah tempat bertengger semen yang dirawat sendiri, tidak beracun, untuk burung yang membantu memangkas dan memelihara kuku yang tumpul dan rapi. Multi-grip, permukaan bergelombang meningkatkan sirkulasi kaki dan membantu mencegah arthritis dan atrofi. Selain itu, juga membantu membersihkan dan merawat paruh burung.

Pasang Pedi-Perch di pintu kandang, asalkan bukan tempat bertengger tertinggi yang tersedia. Selalu miliki berbagai tempat bertengger di dalam kandang untuk mencegah masalah kaki, seperti bumble foot. Pantau kesehatan kaki burung Anda secara teratur.

Untuk membersihkannya, gosok Pedi-Perch di bawah air dengan sabun. Pastikan sudah benar-benar kering sebelum dimasukkan kembali ke dalam kandang.

XS: 2,5cm x 12cm
S: 3,2cm x 16cm
M: 3.8cm x 20.5cm
P: 5cm x 34cm

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