SCIENCEDIET Urinary Care c/d Chicken 156g

English Urinary careA healthy bladder starts with the right balance of essential nutrients. Excess minerals can encourage the formation of crystals in the urine, which can lead to the creation of bladder stones. They can cause discomfort and lead to more serious problems that require veterinary care. Stress at home...

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Urinary care

A healthy bladder starts with the right balance of essential nutrients. Excess minerals can encourage the formation of crystals in the urine, which can lead to the creation of bladder stones. They can cause discomfort and lead to more serious problems that require veterinary care. Stress at home has been shown to negatively impact bladder health as well.

Hill's nutritionists & veterinarians developed Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Feline Stress clinical nutrition specially formulated to support your cat's urinary health while also managing stress. In fact, c/d Multicare is clinically proven nutrition to decrease the recurrence of the most common urinary symptoms by 89%.
How to Help:

Contains ingredients to help manage stress
Dissolve struvite stones within 7 days (average 27 days)
Reduces risk of struvite & calcium oxalate stones
Recommended for lifelong feeding of adult cats
How it works:

Increase the desired urine pH level
Enriched with antioxidants, potassium citrate & Omega-3 fatty acids
controlled levels of magnesium, calcium, & phosphorus.


Perawatan kemih

Sebuah kandung kemih yang sehat dimulai dengan keseimbangan yang tepat dari nutrisi penting. kelebihan mineral dapat mendorong pembentukan kristal dalam urin, yang dapat menyebabkan penciptaan batu kandung kemih. Mereka dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan dan mengakibatkan masalah yang lebih serius yang memerlukan perawatan dokter hewan. Stres di rumah telah terbukti berdampak negatif kesehatan kandung kemih juga.

Hill ahli gizi & dokter hewan dikembangkan Resep Diet c / d Multicare Feline Stres gizi klinis diformulasikan khusus untuk mendukung kesehatan kencing kucing Anda sementara juga mengelola stres. Bahkan, c / d Multicare yang teruji secara klinis gizi untuk menurunkan kekambuhan tanda-tanda kemih yang paling umum dengan 89%.
Cara Membantu:

Mengandung bahan untuk membantu mengelola stres
Larut batu struvite dalam waktu 7 hari (rata-rata 27 hari)
Mengurangi risiko struvite & kalsium oksalat batu
Direkomendasikan untuk makan seumur hidup dari kucing dewasa
Bagaimana itu bekerja:

Meningkatkan kadar pH urine diinginkan
Diperkaya dengan antioksidan, kalium sitrat & Omega-3 asam lemak
tingkat terkendali magnesium, kalsium, & phosphoru.

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