ROYAL CANIN Canine Mini Puppy 2kg

Royal Canin MINI Junior Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, its mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for...

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Royal Canin MINI Junior

Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, its mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for cats’ and dogs’ health nutrition needs.

Royal Canin adalah yang terdepan dalam nutrisi kesehatan hewan peliharaan. Dalam industri yang terus menyesuaikan terhadap trend makanan anjing dan kucing, misinya tetap sama; untuk selalu memberikan solusi terhadap kebutuhan nutrisi kesehatan untuk anjing dan kucing yang paling tepat, melalui pengetahuan umum dan nutrisi kesehatan.


MINI formulas are designed for small dogs throughout their lifetime.

Small dogs need more than just a small kibble. They need more energy than big dogs, and they have a shorter and more intense growth period. Plus, they typically live longer than large dogs, and have a more finicky appetite.Royal Canin MINI formulas are designed to meet the specific needs of small dogs throughout every stage of their life.
Formula MINI dibuat untuk anjing ras kecil sepanjang hidup mereka.
Anjing kecil membutuhkan lebih dari sekedar butiran makanan yang kecil. Mereka membutuhkan energi lebih dibanding anjing ras besar, dan mereka mempunyai masa pertumbuhan yang lebih pendek dan intens. Selain itu, mereka biasanya hidup lebih lama dibanding anjing ras besar, dan mempunyai selera makan yang rewel. Royal Canin MINI dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus dari anjing ras kecil sepanjang tahap kehidupan mereka.
Royal Canin MINI Junior is a complete feed for dogs - For small breed puppies (adult weight up to 10 kg) - Up to 10 months old.
Royal Canin MINI Junior adalah makanan lengkap untuk anjing - diperuntukkan anak anjing ras kecil (yang berat badan nya ketika dewasa dapat mencapai 10 Kg)- hingga usia 10 bulan.


COMPOSITION: dehydrated poultry meat, rice, animal fats, vegetable protein isolate*, maize, beet pulp, maize flour, hydrolysed animal proteins, maize gluten, soya oil, fish oil, minerals, fructo-oligo-saccharides, hydrolysed yeast (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), marigold extract (source of lutein). ADDITIVES (per kg): Nutritional additives: Vitamin A: 17300 IU, Vitamin D3: 1000 IU, E1 (Iron): 43 mg, E2 (Iodine): 3.4 mg, E4 (Copper): 8 mg, E5 (Manganese): 56 mg, E6 (Zinc): 186 mg, E8 (Selenium): 0.07 mg - Technological additives: Pentasodium triphosphate: 3.5 g - Preservatives - Antioxidants. ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS: Protein: 31% - Fat content: 20% - Crude ash: 6.8% - Crude fibres: 1.4%. *L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high assimilation.


KOMPOSISI: Daging hewan ternak yang dikeringkan, beras, lemak hewani, protein hewani terpisah*, jagung, bubur bit, tepung jagung, protein hewani yang dihidrolisis, gluten jagung, minyak kedelai, minyak ikan, mineral, fructo-oligo-saccharides, ragi yang dihidrolisis (sumber manno-oligo-saccharides), ekstrak marigold (sumber lutein). ZAT TAMBAHAN (per kg): Tambahan nutrisi: Vitamin A: 17300 IU, Vitamin D3: 1000 IU, E1 (Zat besi): 43 mg, E2 (Iodin): 3.4 mg, E4 (tembaga): 8 mg, E5 (Mangan): 56 mg, E6 (Zinc): 186 mg, E8 (Selenium): 0.07 mg - Tambahan lainnya: Pentasodium triphosphate: 3.5 g - Pengawet - Antioksidan. KANDUNGAN GIZI: Protein: 31% - kadar lemak: 20% - Crude ash: 6.8% - serat: 1.4%. *L.I.P.: protein yang terpilih karena asimilasinya yang tinggi.


Analysis table Amount (per kg as fed)
Arachidonic acid (%) 0.08
Crude ash (%) 6.8
Biotin (mg/kg) 2.72
Calcium (%) 1.14
Crude fibre (%) 1.4
Dietary fibre (%) 6.4
DL-methionine (%) 0.77
EPA/DHA (%) 0.25
Fat (%) 20.0
Linoleic acid (%) 3.02
Lutein (mg/kg) 5.0
Metabolisable energy (calculated according to NRC85) (kcal/kg) 3881.0
Metabolisable energy calculated according to NRC 2006 (kcal/kg) 4116.0
Methionine Cystine (%) 1.24
Omega 3 (%) 0.6
Omega 6 (%) 3.21
Phosphorus (%) 0.9
Protein (%) 31.0
Starch (%) 26.3
Taurine (%) 0.19
Vitamin A (IU/kg) 25000.0
Vitamin C (mg/kg) 200.0
Vitamin E (mg/kg) 500.0


Other nutrients Amount (per kg as fed)
Arginine (%) 1.7
L-lysine (%) 1.5
Minerals Amount (per kg as fed)
Chloride (%) 0.51
Copper (mg/kg) 15.0
Iodine (mg/kg) 3.4
Iron (mg/kg) 209.0
Magnesium (%) 0.07
Manganese (mg/kg) 69.0
Potassium (%) 0.66
Selenium (mg/kg) 0.16
Sodium (%) 0.4
Zinc (mg/kg) 227.0
Vitamins Amount (per kg as fed)
Choline (mg/kg) 1500.0
Folic acid (mg/kg) 8.9
Vitamin B1 Thiamin (mg/kg) 4.1
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin (mg/kg) 0.07
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin (mg/kg) 3.8
Vitamin B3 Niacin (mg/kg) 14.9
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid (mg/kg) 34.1
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine (mg/kg) 26.2
Vitamin D3 (IU/kg) 1000.0
Dog's age Adult weight of 2kg Adult weight of 6kg Adult weight of 10kg  
  2 months 48 g 102 g 145 g  
  3 months 54 g 118 g 170 g  
  4 months 55 g 124 g 181 g  
  5 months 55 g 125 g 184 g  
  6 months 47 g 124 g 183 g  
  7 months 40 g 112 g 166 g  
  8 months 39 g 100 g 148 g  
  9 months 39 g 89 g 132 g  
  10 months 39 g 88 g 131 g  
  11 months Mini Adult




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