LIVINGWORLD 61545 All Purpose Water Bottle 946ml

English Living World® Water Bottles are made of durable plastic and have leak-proof, stainless steel spouts. They attach easily to the outside of the cage with a wire holder. The closed system helps keep contaminants out and is easy to clean. The water bottles should be refilled daily with fresh...

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Living World® Water Bottles are made of durable plastic and have leak-proof, stainless steel spouts. They attach easily to the outside of the cage with a wire holder. The closed system helps keep contaminants out and is easy to clean.

The water bottles should be refilled daily with fresh water. Periodic cleaning with tepid, soapy water is recommended, just rinse thoroughly before refilling with fresh water. For Rabbits, Puppies and other small pets. 


Botol Air Living World® terbuat dari plastik tahan lama dan memiliki cerat stainless steel anti bocor. Mereka menempel dengan mudah ke bagian luar kandang dengan pemegang kawat. Sistem tertutup membantu menjaga kontaminan dan mudah dibersihkan.

Botol air harus diisi ulang setiap hari dengan air bersih. Pembersihan berkala dengan hangat, air sabun dianjurkan, cukup bilas sampai bersih sebelum diisi ulang dengan air bersih. Untuk Kelinci, Anak Anjing dan hewan peliharaan kecil lainnya.

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