LIVINGWORLD Fresh and Comfy Green 10L

English Like all Living World pet bedding and litter products, Living World Fresh ‘N Comfy bedding is environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable for small pets. Made from biodegradable recycled newspaper, Fresh ‘N Comfy is dust free and does not contain phenols or scented oils that can be harmful to the...

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Like all Living World pet bedding and litter products, Living World Fresh ‘N Comfy bedding is environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable for small pets. Made from biodegradable recycled newspaper, Fresh ‘N Comfy is dust free and does not contain phenols or scented oils that can be harmful to the respiratory system of small animals.

The bedding contains baking soda, which provides more absorbency, superior odor control, and allows the bedding to last longer between cage changes. The bedding is suitable for all small animals, reptiles, birds and cats.

Bedding is important because it provides a natural burrowing and nesting environment that stimulates superior environmental enrichment.


Seperti semua produk tempat tidur dan kotoran hewan peliharaan Living World, tempat tidur Living World Fresh 'N Comfy ramah lingkungan, aman, dan nyaman untuk hewan peliharaan kecil. Terbuat dari koran daur ulang yang dapat terurai secara hayati, Fresh 'N Comfy bebas debu dan tidak mengandung fenol atau minyak wangi yang dapat berbahaya bagi sistem pernapasan hewan kecil.

Alas tidurnya mengandung soda kue, yang memberikan daya serap lebih, kontrol bau yang unggul, dan memungkinkan alas tidur bertahan lebih lama di antara penggantian kandang. Tempat tidurnya cocok untuk semua hewan kecil, reptil, burung, dan kucing.

Tempat tidur penting karena menyediakan lingkungan liang dan bersarang alami yang merangsang pengayaan lingkungan yang unggul.

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