BAYER Obat Antibiotik Baytril Flavour Tablet 1pcs

English Baytril Tablets are Antibiotics for Dogs, Cats and Small Animals with a meaty taste that pets love. Baytril is safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Baytril works to treat bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, digestive infections, skin infections and skin infections due to wounds. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: 1...

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Baytril Tablets are Antibiotics for Dogs, Cats and Small Animals with a meaty taste that pets love. Baytril is safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Baytril works to treat bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, digestive infections, skin infections and skin infections due to wounds. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: 1 tablet of baytril 15 mg for Dogs, Cats weighing +-3 kg. HOW TO DRINK 1 time a day or 2 times a day half dose. Can be mixed into feed.


Tablet BAYERBaytril adalah Antibiotik untuk Anjing, Kucing dan Hewan kecil dengan rasa daging yg disukai hewan peliharaan. Baytril aman untuk digunakan saat hamil atau menyusui.Baytril berfungsi mengobati infeksi bakteri pada saluran pernapasan, infeksi pencernaan, infeksi kulit dan infeksi kulit akibat luka.DOSIS YANG DIANJURKAN: 1 tablet baytril 15 mg untuk Anjing, Kucing berat +- 3kg.CARA MINUM 1 kali sehari atau 2x sehari setengah dosis. Bisa dicampurkan ke pakan.

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