LIVINGWORLD 61741 Corner Toilet Red

English Hamsters and gerbils often go to the toilet in the same place every time. Living World Corner Toilet is designed with this natural instinct in mind to help reduce maintenance time and improve overall cage cleanliness and hygiene. A large entrance allows small animals to enter and exit easily....

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Hamsters and gerbils often go to the toilet in the same place every time. Living World Corner Toilet is designed with this natural instinct in mind to help reduce maintenance time and improve overall cage cleanliness and hygiene. A large entrance allows small animals to enter and exit easily.

The hinged cover opens easily for quick cleaning access. The toilet comes complete with litter and a scoop that conveniently clips on the cage. The toilet can also be used as a sleeping or burrowing area. Ideal for small animals.


Hamster dan gerbil sering pergi ke toilet di tempat yang sama setiap waktu. Living World Corner Toilet dirancang dengan naluri alami untuk membantu mengurangi waktu perawatan dan meningkatkan kebersihan dan kebersihan kandang secara keseluruhan. Pintu masuk yang besar memungkinkan hewan kecil untuk masuk dan keluar dengan mudah.

Penutup berengsel terbuka dengan mudah untuk akses pembersihan cepat. Toilet dilengkapi dengan sampah dan sendok yang dapat dijepit dengan nyaman di kandang. Toilet juga dapat digunakan sebagai area tidur atau menggali. Ideal untuk hewan kecil.

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