MPETS Waffle Slow Feed Bowl Chekered
English M-pets waffle anti-scoff slow feed bowl, this dining area is specially designed to train pets to eat slowly and not rush.Size: 25 cmusage:the food is divided into each container in several parts, its function is so that the cat dog eats up 1 duku hole and then takes another...
M-pets waffle anti-scoff slow feed bowl, this dining area is specially designed to train pets to eat slowly and not rush.
Size: 25 cm
the food is divided into each container in several parts, its function is so that the cat dog eats up 1 duku hole and then takes another food.
M-pets waffle anti-scoff slow feed bowl, tempat makan ini didesain khusus untuk melatih hewan peliharaan agar makan secara perlahan dan tidan buru-buru.
Ukuran : 25 cm
penggunaan : makanan dibagi ke masing-masing wadah beberapa bagian, fungsinya agar anjing kucing makan sampai habis 1 lubang duku baru ambil makanan yang lain.