KITCAT Can Pacific Sardine 400g

Description English   KIT CAT wet food is a naturally formulated diet for kittens and cats of all life stages. The essential vitamins and nutrients helps to keep the felines eyesight healthy, prevention of urinary tract infection and reduces the risk of kidney stones. To ensure the highest Human Grade...
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KIT CAT wet food is a naturally formulated diet for kittens and cats of all life stages. The essential vitamins and nutrients helps to keep the felines eyesight healthy, prevention of urinary tract infection and reduces the risk of kidney stones. To ensure the highest Human Grade Quality, Kit Cat is manufactured in a Human Consumption Manufacturing plant for our affection towards all felines.


Hairball Control
Rich in Omega 3 & 6
Grain Free
No Pork, No Lard
Reduce Risk of Kidney Stones & Urinary Tract Infection





Makanan basah KIT CAT adalah diet yang diformulasikan secara alami untuk anak kucing dan kucing dari semua tahap kehidupan. Vitamin dan nutrisi penting membantu menjaga penglihatan kucing tetap sehat, pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih dan mengurangi risiko batu ginjal. Untuk memastikan Kualitas Tingkat Manusia tertinggi, Kit Cat diproduksi di pabrik Manufaktur Konsumsi Manusia untuk kasih sayang kami terhadap semua kucing.

Kontrol Bola Rambut
Kaya akan Omega 3 & 6
Bebas Gandum
Tanpa Babi, Tanpa Lard
Mengurangi Risiko Batu Ginjal & Infeksi Saluran Kemih

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