SCIENCEDIET Urgent Care a/d Chicken 156g

English Superiority :1. High in protein, fat, and omega 3 fatty acids to help the healing process and repair tissues.2. It has a soft texture so it is easy to give directly or using a spoon, syringe or tube.3. The taste and aroma are very liked by dogs and cats...

61 In Stock


Superiority :

1. High in protein, fat, and omega 3 fatty acids to help the healing process and repair tissues.

2. It has a soft texture so it is easy to give directly or using a spoon, syringe or tube.

3. The taste and aroma are very liked by dogs and cats so that it increases appetite for animals that are having difficulty eating.

4. Has a high antioxidant content and has been clinically tested to increase endurance.


Keunggulan :

1. Tinggi kandungan protein, lemak, dan asam lemak omega 3 untuk membantu proses penyembuhan dan memperbaiki jaringan.

2. Memiliki tekstur yang lembut sehingga mudah diberikan secara langsung atau menggunakan sendok, syringe atau tube.

3. Rasa dan aroma sangat disukai anjing kucing sehingga menambah nafsu makan bagi hewan yang sedang sulit makan.

4. Memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi dan sudah teruji secara klinis mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

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