NEKKO Pet Food For Kitten 70g

English Nekko Pouch Cat Food for kittens is specially crafted through a meticulous production process. The quality of ingredients are not compromised while designed for the smooth texture that is highly digestible. Your kittens are sure to be drawn to the savoury aroma of a freshly opened pouch that’s made...
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Nekko Pouch Cat Food for kittens is specially crafted through a meticulous production process. The quality of ingredients are not compromised while designed for the smooth texture that is highly digestible. Your kittens are sure to be drawn to the savoury aroma of a freshly opened pouch that’s made from all 100% real tuna. No reformed meat, and made without any artificial flesh and preservatives. It contains various supplements such as Taurine, Omega 3, Vitamin E and Prebiotics that are essential to boosting your kittens’ healths and immune systems while growing up. Feel safe to indulge your kittens with a pouch of tuna mousse that is packed with goodness, a meal they would surely love


Nekko Pouch Cat Food untuk anak kucing dibuat khusus melalui proses produksi yang teliti. Kualitas bahan tidak terganggu sementara dirancang untuk tekstur halus yang sangat mudah dicerna. Anak kucing Anda pasti akan tertarik dengan aroma gurih dari kantong yang baru dibuka yang terbuat dari 100% tuna asli. Tidak ada daging yang direformasi, dan dibuat tanpa daging dan pengawet buatan. Ini mengandung berbagai suplemen seperti Taurin, Omega 3, Vitamin E dan Prebiotik yang penting untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan sistem kekebalan anak kucing Anda saat tumbuh dewasa. Merasa aman untuk memanjakan anak kucing Anda dengan sekantong tuna mousse yang dikemas dengan kebaikan, makanan yang pasti akan mereka sukai

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